Github Actions: If Statement for Matrix Value

Posted by Miguel Lopez on Sat 11 February 2023 in automation

Technical Stack: Github Actions

Read: 2 minutes


  • Github
  • Github Actions


Github Actions is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform that allows you to automate your build, test, and deployment pipeline. Read More Here.

Matrix Jobs lets you use variables in a single job definition to automatically create multiple job runs that are based on the combinations of the variables. For example, you can use a matrix strategy to test your code in multiple versions of a language or on multiple operating systems. Source

After reading this, your will understand:

  • How Matrix Jobs run in Github Actions
  • How to conditionally run a block given a specific matrix value

Given This Matrix Strategy..

Github Actions allows you to pass an array of objects to define matrix jobs. This allows you to access the variables at matrix.platforms.os or matrix.platforms.os_version.

    name: 'Create Base Images'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      fail-fast: false
        platforms: [ 
          { os: "ubuntu", os_version: "16.04", npm_version: 12, ruby: true }, 
          { os: "ubuntu", os_version: "18.04", npm_version: 16 }, 
          { os: "ubuntu", os_version: "20.04", npm_version: 16 }

If Statement - Matrix Value Null / Boolean Check

For null/boolean comparisons, do not compare your matrix value to any strings, numbers or booleans. Use the format if: matrix.platforms.ruby for two reasons:

  1. This format performs a null check on the ruby value. Jobs could choose to omit the matrix.platforms.ruby and this job will be skipped.
  2. This format also peforms a boolean check if ruby contains a boolean value.
- if: matrix.platforms.ruby
  name: Add Ruby Dependencies
  run: echo "Install Ruby specific packages."

Full List of Github Action Operators

If Statement - Matrix Value String / Number Comparison

For string values, be sure to enclose your value in single quotes ' '. Enclosing them in double quotes " will throw an error.

- if: matrix.platforms.os_version == '16.04'
  name: Add Ubuntu Packages (legacy)
  run: echo "Install Ubuntu 16.04 specific packages."
- if: matrix.platforms.npm_version == 16
  name: Add NPM Dependencies
  run: echo "Install NPM dependencies."

Full List of Github Action Operators

Full Github Action

name: 'Create Artifacts'
    name: 'Create Base Images'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      fail-fast: false
        platforms: [ 
          {os: "ubuntu", os_version: "16.04", legacy: true}, 
          {os: "ubuntu", os_version: "18.04"}, 
          {os: "ubuntu", os_version: "20.04"}
      - if: matrix.platforms.os_version == '16.04'
        name: Add Ubuntu Packages (legacy)
        run: echo "Install Ubuntu 16.04 specific packages."
      - name: Add Ubuntu Packages
        run: echo "Install Ubuntu packages."

Using A Different Matrix Strategy

Traditional Matrix Jobs are setup like this:

        os_version: ['16.04', '18.04', '20.04']
        os: ['ubuntu']

You could still use if statements in the following way:

if: matrix.os_version == '18.04'

Includes and Excludes

Github Actions has support to skip an entire matrix value using include or exclude. The following configuraiton would skip the { "os": "ubuntu", "os_version": "16.04" } job.

    - os_version: '16.04'

Using exclude or include skips the entire workflow. For this reason, it's sometimes better to use if statements in order to accomplish your workflow.