Install Pyenv on Linux with Ansible

Posted by Miguel Lopez on Tue 06 June 2023 in automation

Technical Stack: Pyenv, Ansible, Linux


Pyenv is a tool for managing multiple versions of Python on your local machine. By the end of this turtorial, you will understand how you can use staticdev/ansible-role-pyenv Ansible role to manage your Pyenv installation.

Install Ansible Role

You can add this role to the requirements.yml file in your Ansible project:

# requirements.yml
- name: staticdev.pyenv

Then run the following command to install the role:

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Use Ansible Role in Playbook

One option of using this role will be inside your playbook.yml file:

# playbook.yml
- hosts: servers
    - role: staticdev.pyenv
      pyenv_env: "system"
        - 3.11.0
        - 3.10.6
      pyenv_enable_autocompletion: false
        - 3.11.0
        - 3.10.6

Import Role Inside Existing Tasks

You can also import the staticdev.pyenv role inside an existing playbook task like so:

- name: install pyenv
    name: staticdev.pyenv
    pyenv_env: 'system'
    pyenv_global: ["3.8.16"]
    pyenv_python_versions: ["3.8.16"]
    pyenv_uninstall_python_w_wrong_configure_opts: False

Full Configuration Options

For a full list of configuration options, please visit the github page for this role: staticdev/ansible-role-pyenv

Verify Pyenv Installation

After executing your ansible build, your target machine will have Pyenv installed. You can verify this by running the following command:

pyenv versions

Using on CI/CD Pipeline

Be sure to increase the wait timeout of your CI/CD pipeline to allow for the installation of Pyenv. These builds can take up to 15 minutes to complete.

Something similar to no_output_timeout: 30m is good.